Choosing a card that matches your purchasing habits provides you with more benefits than a standard reward card. Cashback credit cards, when used appropriately, can dramatically lower your card’s annual maintenance. Here are the finest cash back credit cards available from major banks. Make careful to select one based on your spending habits.
HDFC Bank MoneyBack Credit Card
Key Benefits of the HDFC Bank MoneyBack Credit Card: Reward points earned on the HDFC Bank MoneyBack Credit Card can be redeemed for cash against card balances.
The joining fee is Rs.500.
Fee for renewal: Rs.500 (from 2nd year onwards).
Joining bonus: After paying the joining cost, 500 reward points will be awarded to your account.
Advantages and features:
- Every Rs.150 spent earns you 2 reward points.
- Every Rs.150 spent on online purchasing earns you 4 reward points.
- Spend Rs.50,000 in a quarter and receive an Rs.500 e-voucher.
- Accidental death insurance is provided for free up to Rs.50 lakh.
- There is no accountability for a lost card.
- On fuel transactions of Rs.400, a 1% fuel levy is waived.
Reward points can be exchanged for cash against outstanding card balances (100 reward points = Rs.20). Also redeemed for flight miles and rewards catalogue items.
HDFC Bharat CashBack Card
Highlights: The HDFC Bharat CashBack Credit Card offers cashback on a variety of purchases, including petrol, EMIs, HDFC SmartBUY, and PayZaap transactions.
The joining fee is Rs.500.
The annual charge is Rs.500 (Waived if the spending in the previous year exceeds or is equal to Rs.50,000)
Advantages and features:
- 5% cashback on IRCTC railway ticket bookings, gasoline purchases, food purchases, and all bill payments and recharges.
- All EasyEMI, SmartBUY, and PayZapp transactions will also receive a 5% rebate.
- A 1% fuel surcharge is waived on all fuel transactions with a minimum transaction value of Rs.400.
- There is no accountability for a lost card.
Option for redeemed rewards: NA
Axis Bank ACE Credit Card
Key Benefits: With the Axis Bank ACE Credit Card, you can get savings on all of your daily purchases made with the card.
The joining fee is Rs.499.
The annual fee is Rs.499
Advantages and features:
- 5% return on bill payments, including electricity and gas bills.
- Waiver of a 1% fuel fee
- Every calendar year, you are entitled to four free lounge visits.
- Get up to 20% off your dining bill with participating restaurants.
Kotak Delight Platinum Credit Card
The Kotak Delight Platinum Credit Card provides rewards for dining and movies.
The joining fee is Rs.1,999.
Fee for Renewal: Rs.299
Advantages and features:
- 10% return on dining and movie tickets for transactions excluding dining and entertainment with a minimum spend of Rs.10,000.
- Every year, you can get up to 8 free PVR tickets or Rs.1,500 refund.
- Every six months, spend Rs.1.25 lakh and earn Rs.750 cashback or four free PVR tickets.
- Fuel surcharges are waived on transactions ranging from Rs.400 to Rs.4000.
- Delight Shield provides credit shield coverage of up to Rs.1.25 lakh.
Citi Cash Back Credit Card
Key Benefits: The Citi Cash Back Credit Card provides cashback on movie ticket purchases, phone bill payments, and utility bill payments made through Citibank Online Bill Pay.
The joining fee is Rs.500.
Fee for Renewal: Rs.500
Advantages and features:
- Contactless credit card that allows for quick and secure transactions at point-of-sale terminals.
- On cinema ticket purchases, you will receive a 5% reward.
- All telephone bill payments get a 5% rebate.
- All utility bill payments made using Citibank’s online Bill Pay service receive a 5% reward.
- 0.5 per cent cashback on all other purchases.
- Partner restaurants receive up to a 20% discount.
- Option for Reward Redemption: Reward points will be automatically applied to the credit card statement in multiples of Rs.500.
Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Credit Card
The Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Credit Card caters to customers with a variety of cashback offers, attractive benefits, and flexible payment choices.
The joining fee is Rs.999.
The annual fee is Rs.999.
Advantages and features:
- On purchases of Rs.1,000 or more in supermarkets and department stores, you will receive a 5% cashback.
- 3x the number of reward points on all retail purchases.
- Discounts and discounts in a variety of categories, including travel, dining, shopping, and others, are available through the Standard Chartered Good Life programme.
- Option for redeeming reward points: Reward points can be redeemed for products, certificates, or services offered in the rewards catalogue.