Travel rewards credit card is a simple way to earn airline perks without having to be a frequent flyer. While the greatest credit card for flights may be an airline credit card, this isn’t always the case. If you are loyal to a certain airline or want access to an airline-specific lounge, an airline-specific credit card may be the best option for you.
If that doesn’t seem like you, more flexible travel rewards credit card with bonus credits no matter which airline you fly and more flexible ways to redeem your earnings will almost probably be a better fit.
- Chase Freedom FlexSM is a new product from Chase.
This card has the muscle to handle almost all of your credit card spending needs without charging an exorbitant fee. The card has no annual fee and offers a boosted earnings structure that includes a wide range of purchases such as travel, drugstores, and eating, as well as rotating quarterly bonus categories in areas that many families are likely to find intriguing.
- There is no annual charge.
- When activated, rotating quarterly categories earn 5% rewards, up to a total quarterly payout of $1,500.
- The rate of travel rewards is comparable to some of the finest premium travel cards.
- Several other categories have a high rate of generous prizes.
- To earn 5% cashback, travel bookings must be booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®.
- Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is a credit card offered by Capital One.
Capital One’s newest and most expensive travel card is jam-packed with perks that put it squarely in competition with other high-end credit cards, but at a price that puts it miles ahead of the competition.
- It has a lower annual fee than others in its category.
- The annual charge might be justified only based on the annual trip credit and anniversary points.
- Points are simple to earn and use.
- There is a scarcity of domestic airlines and high-end hotel travel partners.
- The Capital One lounge network is still in its early stages.
- Benefits of hotel status are unavailable.
3. Infinite United ClubSM Card
With 4 miles for every dollar earned on United purchases, United’s top-tier card ups its game. The card is even greater value thanks to a slew of travel benefits, with United Club membership alone worth more than the annual premium.
- Chase Freedom FlexSM is a new product from Chase.
This card has the muscle to handle almost all of your credit card spending needs without charging an exorbitant fee. The card has no annual fee and offers a boosted earnings structure that includes a wide range of purchases such as travel, drugstores, and eating, as well as rotating quarterly bonus categories in areas that many families are likely to find intriguing.
- Credit Card Aeroplan®
The Aeroplan® Credit Card’s strong reward-earning potential makes it a fantastic choice for frequent Air Canada customers who also spend money on food and vacation.
- Earning excellent rewards
- There are no costs for international transactions.
- Benefits for travelers, including privileges for Air Canada passengers
- $95 yearly fee
- There are no perks that aren’t tied to travel.