Credit cards are one of those items that have completely changed the way the financial world operates. These plastic cards have dramatically transformed how people spend their money on goods and services. Keeping in mind the diverse needs of individuals, credit card companies and banks have devised a range of features and benefits for the credit cards that they offer. Certain cards are also designed expressly for a specific clientele, such as travel rewards for frequent travellers, and so on.
Groceries are not only necessary, but they can also be a luxury depending on what people choose to buy. Everyone will have to shop for this, although some will have to shop more than others depending on their wants and requirements.
SimplySAVE Advantage SBI Credit Card
The SBI SimplySAVE Advantage Credit Card is one of the greatest cards for people who enjoy doing their food shopping. This card has a variety of unique perks that make it ideal for grocery shopping.
The SimplySAVe Advantage SBI credit card has an annual charge of Rs.499
The annual renewal charge is Rs.499
- Customers can earn 10X Reward Points for every Rs.100 spent on groceries and in department stores. In addition, Reward Points can be earned on movie and dining purchases.
- Customers can earn 1 Reward Point for every Rs.100 spent on other purchases. Re.1 is the same as four Reward Points.
- If a customer spends between Rs.500 and Rs.3000 at a petrol pump in India, they must pay the 2.5 per cent fuel surcharge.
- Customers who spent more than Rs.90,000 on their SimplySAVe Advantage credit card the previous year are eligible for an annual membership fee refund beginning with the second year of their subscription.
- Customers who make their first ATM cash withdrawal within the first month after acquiring their SimplySAVe Advantage SBI credit card will receive an Rs.100 reward.
- SimplySAVe Advantage credit cardholders can apply for additional credit cards for family members over the age of 18.
- Cardholders can use the Easy Bill Pay facility to pay their utility bills with their SimplySAVE Advantage credit card.
- This credit card can also be used to order train tickets online.
- Customers can use Flexipay to convert all of their large-ticket purchases into payments.
The SimplySAVE Advantage SBI credit card is a product with many benefits that may be used everywhere in the world. This card may be used for a variety of transactions and is a must-have for anyone who spends the majority of their money on supermarket and grocery purchases.
ICICI Amazon Pay Credit Card
One of the greatest grocery credit cards in India is the Amazon Pay ICICI Card. This is due to the fact that Amazon is one of the most popular platforms and sells a wide range of products. Amazon Pantry has practically everything you’ll ever need. If you are a Prime member, you will receive 5% cashback; if you do not have Prime membership, you will receive 3% cashback. When compared to the Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card, the default cashback rate on Amazon Card is 1%. You should only get this card if you use Amazon for the majority of your grocery needs, but because it is free for life, having it in your wallet is not a bad idea.
- Free Credit Card for Life
- When PRIME customers shop at Amazon, they will receive a 5% cashback.
- Non-PRIME Members get 3% cashback on Amazon purchases.
- 2 per cent cashback on Amazon’s 100+ partner retailers
- On all other transactions, you will receive a 1% cashback.
- ICICI Bank partner restaurants offer a 15% discount.
- Waiver of 1% fuel surcharge at all gas stations
Paytm SBI Card Select
Paytm SBI Select Credit Card provides excellent value to Paytm consumers not only through cashback in several categories but also through Paytm First Membership. On Paytm Mall and other offline/online venues, the card provides instant cashback and additional discounts. If you do the majority of your grocery shopping at Paytm Mall, you should consider acquiring this card. When you use the card on Paytm Mall, you can get up to 5% cashback, and you can get 1% cashback on all other transactions done on offline and/or online platforms. Though the card is also available in a conventional variant- Paytm SBI Card- we recommend the ‘Select’ variant (if eligible) because it provides more cashback on Paytm purchases. The basic rate, on the other hand, is the same for both cards.
- Cashback of 5% on Paytm Mall, Movies, and Travel
- 2 per cent cashback on any other purchases made through the Paytm App
- 1% cashback on all other purchases, both in-store and online.
- Paytm membership worth Rs.750 is gratis, and you will have access to four complimentary lounges over the course of a year.
- Waiver of 1% fuel surcharge at all fuel stations in India
HDFC Bank Solitaire Credit Card
The HDFC Bank Solitaire Credit Card is a highly rewarding credit card because of the numerous rewards and advantages it offers. This card covers every facet of credit card functionality, from supermarket purchases to travel and dining expenses.
- The HDFC Bank Solitaire Credit Card has an annual fee of Rs.500.
- This credit card also has a Rs.500 renewal charge. This card has an interest-free term of up to 50 days. Individuals who spend Rs.10,000 on their card within the first 90 days of card activation will have their first-year membership cost waived. If a cardholder charges Rs.50,000 on their card during a year, they will be eligible for a waiver of their annual membership cost for the next year.