On July 1, 2020, the RBI introduced the Floating Rate Savings Bond (taxable), with an interest rate of 7.15 per cent. The interest rate bonds are reset every six months, on the first of July and the first of January of each year. However, nothing has altered since its inception. What exactly is a variable … Read More “Floating Rate Savings Bond” »
Tag: bonds
When the government goes to the financial markets to raise money, it does so by issuing two types of debt instruments: Treasury bills and government bonds. Treasury bills are issued when the government needs money for a short period of time by the central government, and interest in them is determined by market forces. Treasury … Read More “What are T-bills and how to purchase them?” »
Bonds are debt instruments where the investor lends money to a company. The company borrows money at a fixed rate for a specified period of time. This entity can be the government, banks or corporations. Therefore, when the government issues bonds, they are referred to as government bonds. These investments are also known as fixed-income … Read More “What are Government and State Government Bonds and how to invest in them?” »